Facility & Real Estate Management

1. September. (Studiengänge mit Studienbeginn Februar)
  • As the program is delivered in English, proficiency in English is required certified by an IELTS 6.0 or Toefl 550, Toefl 213 Computer-based, 79-80 iBT or Cambridge Advance exam or an alternative certifcate of C1 level issued by the University’s academic secretary.
  • A certificate from the university which states that the applicant has completed a Bachelor Degree program, of at least 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), and allows him/her to enroll in a Master’s Program
3400.00 € / Jahr

This programme can be started in February and also in September.

The tuition fees for non-EU students are 11200 €.

Worum geht's im Studium

Facility Management has undergone some considerable changes during the last few years. It is increasingly becoming a part of corporate strategy. The facility manager is transforming into a strategic advisor to corporate management. The initial preoccupation with tasks and functions is giving way to an emphasis on process management and resource integration. Both Facility Management and Real Estate Management act within internal spheres of action in the organization. They deal with the same issues of processes, property and people. Both departments deal with common solutions to enable a satisfactory working environment. For this reason, a Master’s level programme combining elements of Facility Management and Real Estate Management is a favorable solution.

The Master in Facility & Real Estate Management distinguishes itself from other programmes by providing a programme in which the building is seen as a strategic asset, and part of the value chain of the integrated facility management, thereby combining knowledge from Facility Management and Real Estate Management.
The institutions that offer this Master programme, University of Greenwich and Zuyd UAS, strive for excellence, which is why all specialization courses are conducted by renowned lecturers (both Phd’s. and international experts). The state-of-the-art curriculum and surroundings contribute to its vibrant academic environment.

Our teaching methodology is based on:
  • Stimulation of critical thinking and transforming management problems into opportunities from a multidisciplinary and multicultural perspectives.
  • Teaching both concepts and theories of business administration, as well as requiring our students to perform practical exercises.
  • A comprehensive programme that allows for personalization and flexibility.
Our learning environment includes academic lectures, team work, coaching, case studies, contact with professionals, cross-cultural experience, research projects, virtual learning and guest speakers.

The foundation of the Master’s programme consists of four Facility- and Real Estate management specific competences, and an additional specific academic competence:
  • Trends and Strategy: methodically recognizing developments and trends in the external sector and integrating them into the Facility- & Real Estate Management strategy
  • Core business and Leadership: analysing primary processes and developing Facility- & Real Estate Management strategies in an initiating and creative way, showing entrepreneurial leadership
  • Facility Management process, change and client: establishing, commanding and improving Facility- & Real Estate Management processes and organizational processes to develop processes of change in a client-oriented and efficient way
  • Real Estate portfolio and added value: analysing the building portfolio aspects in the context of Facility- & Real Estate Management processes and the Facility- & Real Estate Management company environment as well as the company’s financial situation in order to enhance the added value of the facilities
  • Master competence: judging and reflecting based on incomplete information within a research context and being able to underpin knowledge and rationale to specialist and non- specialist

Career opportunities:
Higher management positions in both Facility Management and Real Estate Management

Hotel Management School Maastricht
Bethlehemweg 2
6222 BM  Maastricht

phone: 0031 43 352 8282
mobil: 0031 643 577 147
e-mail: masters.hmsm@zuyd.nl
website: www.hotelschoolmaastricht.nl/en/master-FREM

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