Urban Management and Development

1 Jahr
1. September. (Studiengänge mit Studienbeginn Februar)
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent degree
Informationen zu Studiengebühren
  • Study start: 2nd  October 2017
Worum geht's im Studium

IHS offers a 12 month Master of Science in Urban Management and Development which provides a unique opportunity for both professionals and bachelor graduates to invest in enhancing their qualifications and academic development. The programme prepares participants with the knowledge and skill-set necessary to become innovative urban managers and leaders who analyse and develop cities based on in-depth understanding of urban theory and practice. Upon completion of the programme, participants receive a worldwide recognized Master of Science degree from IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam.


Programme features

  • Highly international study environment with participants from over 45 different nations
  • Lecturers with long-standing international teaching and working experience in the field
  • High profile guest lecturers from established institutions such as UN-HABITAT, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Lund University
  • Unique training methodology of role-playing games, real-life case study analysis, class debates and on-site visits
  • 6 different specializations offering a unique chance to tailor your study and broaden your career path
  • Focus on linking theory to real world urban challenges and solutions developed and perfected in IHS’ almost 60 years of experience in the field
  • Balanced learning environment of guided training and self-study

Course Content

The cities of today are complex with interrelated economic, social, environmental and physical challenges which need to be balanced in the ever-changing urban environment. Contemporary cities need competent urban managers with skills in action and strategic planning, policy analysis, research methods and negotiation and communication to be able to integrate their knowledge within and manage the complex urban multidisciplinary environment.
The intensive 12-month MSc in Urban Management and Development is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to become competent urban managers by offering an in-depth insight into urban issues, policies and trends around the world through a blend of lectures with case studies, discussions, working groups, group assignments and field visits and field work. The master programme is divided into three main periods: a core period, a specialization period and a thesis period.

Throughout the course, students participate in interactive lectures, workshops and discussions, engage in group and individual exercises, analyse cases, give presentations and write papers and essays which aim to deepen their knowledge about the concepts and theory. The training methodology of the programme includes field visits, fieldwork, simulation games, discussions, best practices and case studies.


IHS, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
of Erasmus University Rotterdam
Ms. Desislava Yordanova
E-mail: yordanova@ihs.nl
Web: www.iloveurban.ihs.nl 
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