Applied Sustainability Management

1.5 Jahre
1. September.
10900.00 € / Jahr

Studiengebühren: 10.900€ für EU und 15.900€ für Nicht-EU Programme

Studienstart: Februar 2023

Worum geht's im Studium

Become an applied sustainability manager!

As an Applied Sustainability Manager, you will be able to help small and medium-sized companies to understand the importance of environmental global challenges and sustainability, to find technically and financially viable sustainable solutions and to accompany organizations in a transformation process that helps the company to become more sustainable about the time.

In larger companies or organizations, the role of the sustainability manager can be found in developing transition strategies and identifying sustainable business models and solutions along the value chain.

job prospects

Upon completion of this master's program, you will have the necessary skills and competencies to pursue a career in areas such as:

  • sustainability analyst
  • Circular Economy Analyst
  • climate analysis
  • Project Manager Sustainability
  • Head of the sustainability Sustainability program
  • Advisor Developers of sustainable companies
  • Entrepreneurs in sustainable business

the curriculum


Haarlem Campus
De Koepel
Koepelplein 1C
2031 WL Haarlem

Telephone: +31 20 244 3142

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